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Worst Folks in Our Times Have Created Their Worst Enemies!

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By Sheikh Musa Drammeh

On the fateful day of September 11 tragedy, my wife and I had immediately and publicly declared war on ignorance, hatred and religious extremism. Seventeen years later, we’ve built the first Charted fulltime Islamic School, K-12, which has been sending all its graduates to college, launched a global peaceful coexistence movement (Peace December) in 22 nations and growing, established Muslim Media Corporation as a media conduit for moderate Muslims, and participated in the creation of the first ‘Interfaith Living Museum’ with the Museum of Jewish Heritage, just to name a few. 

This year, we’ve launched our greatest anti ignorance, anti hatred and the mosformidable counterer of religious extremism endeavor yet, STEMDUP. STEMDUP, which stands for science, technology, engineering, mathematics, diversity, unity, and peace, shall lead us into closing the trending educational and relations gaps particularly in places susceptible to ignorance that breeds hateful ideologies of religious extremism. 

We affirmed that love is natural. Hate is learned. Poverty is tolerated. Failure is normalized. Peaceful coexistence must be universal. 

We invite your prayers, support, internship, partnerships and patronage in building performance-driven STEMDUP schools of tomorrow. Thank you!

On Wednesday, December 23, 2018, 5:30-7:30 PM, we are celebrating the STEMDUP anniversary by group-reading the entire United Nations Universal Human Rights Document at the Parkchester Public Library on Westchester Avenue.

It’s open to the public for free, but seating is limited. Those attending are asked to print the document and bring it with them. Happy Peace December to all!

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