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Wall Street hedge fund managers’ yearly earnings surpass life incomes of American teachers — Sen. Bernie Sanders

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United States Senator, Bernie Sanders, has disclosed that the yearly earnings of Wall Street hedge fund managers surpass the life incomes of American kindergarten teachers.

Bernie Sanders disclosed this in a tweet on Thursday February 16, 2023.

“In America today, the top 15 Wall Street hedge fund managers make more money in a single year than every kindergarten teacher in America,” Sanders unveiled.

“That is absurd. Let’s finally give educators a raise — let’s start by paying public school teachers a minimum of at least $60,000 a year,” Sanders added.

The tweet generated a lot of reactions from Americans.

While reacting to the tweet, Crumb Lord said, “It’s astounding that the people entrusted to educate and influence -generations- of our future are getting paid pocket change.

“We don’t have to imagine how much more successful schools and students would be with legitimate funding and support.”

Another American citizen, Louis reacted that “What Bernie forgot to write [is that] in America today, the top 15 Wall Street hedge fund managers make more money in a single year than every kindergarten teacher in America in their entire life.”

Richard maintained that , “In American today, there a[re] millionaire politicians who are getting money from these hedge funds through donations and other money scams (Wallstreet, big labor).”

Bernard Sanders is an American politician serving as the senior United States senator from Vermont, a seat he has held since 2007. He was the U.S. representative for the state’s at-large congressional district from 1991 to 2007.

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