Ahmadou Diallo launches campaign, appeals to Bronxites for support

Ahmadou Diallo, the candidate for NY City Council District 16, has launched his campaign for the 2021 election.
While disclosing this in a letter sent to New York residents on Sunday July 26, 2020, Diallo stated that he was starting his campaign by reaching all residents and community leaders.
"My name is Ahmadou Diallo. This letter has been sent to you in relation to my current candidacy for the NY City Council District 16 which includes the Claremont, Concourse, Concourse Village, Highbridge, Morris Heights, Mount Eden, and Morrisania areas," he wrote in the letter.
Diallo said that serving the position would be a great honor, aside from being a resident of the district.
He stated that his civic goal is to help people uplift their living standards through education and civic engagement.
"Historically, deliverance of a positivity via nobility and action through public service has brought growth to our community.
"As a board member of the Community Board and former President of Pottal Fii Bhantal Fouta Djallon (Union for progress and development), the improvement and integration of New York City Communities was established," he said.
Diallo, the founding President of the Fouta Islamic Center, said that his intent was to resonate the chance of equal access to high quality education via programs such as early intervention universal pre-kindergarten.
As a tax accountant, he noted that he had observed that there is usually some difficulty in the survival for most residents in his community.
He therefore assured that working opportunities will be established and cleaner neighborhoods will be provided which directly assists in the stated issues.
"I also care for the Bronx's public health sector. There will be proper administration of the Affordable Cares Act through my support of Medicare for all.
"Patients will be able to focus on their recovery as opposed the financial aspects; being that the patient's costs of pharmaceuticals will be reduced due to the prescription's pricing transitioning to income based," he said.
He further stated that his career has been dedicated to helping the misfortunes of his community.
“I am highly indebted to Foster family whose tremendous sacrifices have made the district more diverse and in solid foundation for a greater progress," he said.
"I am also looking forward to continuing this as your New York City Councilman. Your endorsement, financial support and volunteer effort will help your district to attain additional prosperity," he concluded.