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A woman robbed a bank a gunpoint on 01/03/2020 around 10 a.m. and made off with cash – but employees recognized her as a one-time customer and helped lead cops to her home.

Deziree A. Diaz, 39, was allegedly armed with a pistol when she walked into the Amalgamated Bank on 3770 Tremont Avenue off Randall Ave. and demanded money from a teller. She was given an undetermined amount of money and a dye pack. "The employees of the bank remember her as a one-time client. They looked up her paperwork and called police."

Police obtained her address and went to her Dewey Avenue home less than a mile away. There, they found the money she had taken along with the dye pack. Diaz was charged with robbery, criminal possession of a weapon and menacing,. She'll also face federal charges for the robbery.

Pictures credit: Edwin Soto

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