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NBCI Declares Its Unshakable Support for All United Methodist Pastors and Members Who Voted to Strengthen the Ban gay clergy

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Washington, DC – The National Black Church Initiative (NBCI), a faith-based coalition of 34,000 member churches along with additional 116,000 black churches comprised of 15 denominations and 25.7 million African American Christians stand with all United Methodist Pastors who voted to ban gay clergy. The Black Church applauds you in upholding and strengthening the ban on gay clergy and same-sex marriage.

Rev. Anthony Evans, President of the National Black Church Initiative says we want our United Methodist breathen to know that the entire Black Christian Church is standing with them. Hang in there for the sake of Christ and the Gospel!”

The Traditional Plan is designed to serve as a coherent United Methodist Church policy on LGBT clergy and their marriage practices after years of inconsistency among individual United Methodist churches, with some churches denouncing homosexuality as a sin and others embracing gay and lesbian clergy members. Homosexuality and gay marriage are inconsistent with the ethics and teachings of Christ and Holy Scripture.

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