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Africa Day Celebration/Interfaith Dinner (Ramadan).

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Dear Fellow Africans and Friends of Africa,

We are convening our first meeting this Friday to plan for May 25, those interested to cohost, please call 718-822-5555 or email. Thank you.

Africa Day celebration is right around the corner. African Union Day Foundation is soliciting partners from African organizations in hosting it. Please indicate if you wish your organization to be one of them. Email your logo to: info@africanunionday.org. Thank you.

Africa Day celebration/interfaith Dinner (Ramadan).
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Proposed venue: Bronx Community College (to be confirmed). 
Proposed time 5:00-8:00 PM.

#africaday #africanunionday #daylightafrica #ilovethebronx



The African Union Day Foundation (AUDF) which was founded in July 2006 by a group of patriotic Africans living in New York City. This group held the first Annual African Union Day Celebration on July 9, 2007. Using the momentum behind the celebration of July 9, the group designed a set of objectives and activities of AUDF.
The Foundation’s Objectives:

•             To promote a unified, independent and development of Africa.
•             To bridge the information gap regarding the development of Africa and its activities.
•             To celebrate the African Arts, cultures, heritage and contributions on the continent and in the Diaspora.
•             Promote the work of the African Union and its developmental programs such as the New Partnership for Africa’s Development.
The Foundation’s Activities:

– Hosts the annual Africa Day (May 25) African Union Day (September 9) Celebrations.
– Conduct information forums about the current economic and social welfare of Africa.
– Promotes the social, educational, emotional welfare of the African child by advocating for Africa focused components to be included in the existing school curricula.
– Hosts networking forums for academicians and scholars of African decent living in New York, pursuant to promoting the objectives of the African Union as outlined in the Constitutive Act, AUDF will see to it that its objectives and activities are done with a view to furthering the interests of Africans in the Diaspora. 
– Membership to AUDF is open to all who are interested in promoting the socioeconomic development of Africans.

Unified African Union Day Celebration flyer of 2018

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