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U.S. Ambassador Funds Eight Social and Economic Small Grants Across Malawi

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LILONGWE, Malawi, October 26, 2018/ — United States Ambassador Virginia Palmer today awarded grants totaling MK 66.951 million to eight organizations working in eight districts across Malawi through the U.S. Ambassadors’ Special Self Help, the U.S. African Development Foundation and the Julia Taft Programs. 

Presiding over the grants signing ceremony, Ambassador Palmer said, “Through these projects, we can contribute to improving the living standards of your communities. You have seen a vision of a better life for your families, of clean drinking water for your communities, of a safe place for your girls to go to school. And through your commitment and contributions, the United States Government is proud to partner with your communities to make these visions a reality.” 

The eight grant recipients are Plan International from Dowa District, Familjsa Women Mining Cooperative Society LTD from Lilongwe District, Beulaland Food Processors from Mzimba District/Mzuzu city, Lwangazi Village Development Committee from Mzimba District,  Mtakataka Environmental and Rural Development Organization from Dedza District, Nkhomboli Community Day Secondary School from Rumphi District, EWS Foundation and Associates from Ntchisi District, and Njiri Community Health Action Group from Nkhata-Bay District. 

Since 1966, the U.S. Ambassador’s Self-Help Fund has funded local grassroots organizations to implement innovative and sustainable community projects. 

The Small Grant Programs are designed to support community-driven development projects that address grassroots economic and social issues.  The program selects projects that 1) improve basic economic or social conditions at community and village level; 2) have a high-impact, can be quickly implemented, and benefit a large number of people; 3) involve a significant local contribution in labor, material, or cash; 4) are within the ability of the local community to operate and maintain; 5) are a direct response to the initiative and aspirations of the local community; and 6) make income-generating activities possible. 

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