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Maintaining Calm Amid Chaos: Families Pack ‘Go Bags’ to be Ready for Natural Disasters

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Two backpacks full of emergency supplies sit ready for action on a shelf near the front door
one “go bag” for each family member.

Manhattan resident Courtney Dover leaves nothing to chance when it comes to her and her
teenage daughter’s safety. “Being prepared is really important,” said Courtney. We try to make
sure we’re conscious of what to do in case there’s an emergency.”

While the Dovers prepare to keep themselves safe, they continue to pray for victims of Hurricane Ian and support disaster relief efforts organized by Jehovah’s Witnesses. “It’s out of love that we give what we can,” said Courtney’s daughter.

With extreme weather events escalating in frequency and severity in recent years, experts urge families to plan ahead for natural disasters. Ready.gov, a FEMA website, recommends putting together a “collection of basic items” to last for several days, including food, water, a change of clothes, cash and a flashlight.

The Dovers also rehearse scenarios like escaping a hurricane, flooding, power outages or a building fire. They check periodically to make sure that clothes in their go bags match New York’s changing seasons, and that batteries, food and other supplies have not expired.

Courtney said that preparing for emergencies, determining meeting places and “what if” scenarios are included in their family discussions.

Regular disaster-preparedness reminders from their congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Harlem Heights and the Christian organization’s official website, jw.org, help to keep them ready.

We can’t just say life is precious; we need to live it. That’s why the Bible’s advice to take practical steps to protect ourselves and our families from danger makes so much sense — even if threats seem far off.
– Robert Hendriks III

“Being ready to face a natural disaster may be the difference between life and death when it unexpectedly hits,” said Robert Hendriks, U.S. spokesperson for the Christian organization. “We can’t just say life is precious; we need to live it. That’s why the Bible’s advice to take practical steps to protect ourselves and our families from danger makes so much sense — even if threats seem far off.”

Until recently, Colorado couple Michael and Crystal Brook only thought of wildfires as a threat to those high on the slopes of the Rockies — never imagining that their suburban home in the foothills would be at risk.

Still, heeding advice to expect the unexpected, the Brooks assembled go bags, utilizing tips from the jw.org article “When Disaster Strikes — Steps That Can Save Lives.”

Last December, their efforts paid off when the Marshall Fire, a record-breaking inferno fueled by drought conditions and high winds, ravaged homes and businesses in Boulder County.

As flames leapt across the interstate highway near their home and billows of smoke darkened the midday sky, the Brooks grabbed their go bags, along with pillows and stuffed toys to help keep 6-year-old daughter Annastyn calm amid the chaos of evacuating their community.

Michael recalls the panic within the community. “They didn’t know what to do,” he said.

Though the Brooks’ house sustained only minor smoke damage, and their go bags went unused, the couple feel being prepared helped them remain calm and act swiftly pressure. “the go bags made things simple,” said Michael.

“These days, anything can happen anytime, anywhere,” added Crystal. “It’s good to be prepared.”

In flood-prone Louisa, Kentucky, Brandon and C’onia Fitch made preparing go bags a fun activity for kids Nolan, Gavin and Stella, letting them pick out their own bags and add their favorite toys and nonperishable snacks.

“Everyone in the family had a role in preparing the ”bags,” said Brandon. “They know what’s in them, and they know where to find them.”

The importance of being ‘go bag ready’ was put to the test last year when floodwaters surrounded their home in rural Appalachia.

In pitch darkness and with freezing water rising steadily in their home, the Fitches loaded their go bags — and Princess Pickles, 6-year-old Stella’s beloved guinea pig — into the family car and drove to higher ground.

By morning, four feet of muddy floodwater had devastated the Fitches’ home and brought into sharp focus the true value of their efforts to prepare.

“It took a bit of the panic away,” said C’onia. “It seemed like a daunting task … but I’m so glad we did it.”

“You’re not going to regret it,” agreed Nolan, 16. “It could save your life.”

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