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Tiny and infectious worms have been found in New York Parks. Medical experts are warning parents to be vigilant.

The Toxocara worm primarily lives inside the muscles, digestive systems, and feces of animals like cats and dogs, but can be transmitted to humans if a person consumes infected dirt.

While this isn’t a major concern for adults, medical experts say they are concerned that children might inadvertently consume the parasite while playing.

Most Toxocara infections are asymptomatic, but in some cases can present symptoms like fever, fatigue, coughing, rash, or abdominal pain.

Sometimes, in very rare cases, the parasite can reach the eye and cause blindness or cause neurological damage to the brain.

According to the CDC, an estimated 70 people, mostly children, are blinded by toxocariasis. Almost 14% of the U.S. population has been exposed to the parasite.

A recent study showed that Toxocara eggs were found in 10 of 15 of the playgrounds tested by scientists, with the highest number of positive samples coming from the Bronx. 

The worm’s eggs have also been found across Europe, with researchers discovering examples in Germany and Spain.

Methods to get rid of Toxocara eggs include raising awareness, deworming pets, and preventing stray animals from entering areas where children play.

It is crucial for children to wash their hands with soap and water after playing outside, especially before handling food or eating, and noting that antibacterial sanitizers do not remove the eggs. 

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