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Al Qaeda leader had said it was because of the American soldiers’ presence in Saudi Arabia.  While some of Al Qaeda leaders may no longer be around, the movement, according to media reports, is stronger, mutated and global, thanks to war on terrorism that has cost over 6 trillion dollars and 500,000 lives so far.  US/Saudi/Israel engineered war with Iran may very well dwarf all wars since World War II. If sophisticated weapons alone can get the job done, why negotiate with Taliban for exit two decades of bombing them? This is why whoever supports or be quite about this sectarian, ideological, and weapons’ selling conflict with Iran is not only the dumbest idiot but also the most extreme evil person alive. NO MORE GENOCIDAL LIES!

18 years in failed Afghanistan war only to end up negotiating with Taliban for exit, now we are planning for another war with kamikaze Iran based solely on the lies of Iran’s sworn enemies. Iran’s enemies may have the loudest mouths out there, but they dared not attack Iran without pulling what citizen Trump had called “stupid US leaders” in. This will end up be US taxpayers’ conflict as usual. 

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