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White American family protests against white supremacy, relays in honor of Ahmaud Arbery

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A white America family headed by Levi Ketelsen has called for total annihilation of white supremacy in the United States. This was disclosed in a Facebook post shared by Tammie Ketelsen, while showing solidary with Black American community who lost a fellow to racism.

Ketelsen and her family, who live in Burlington Wisconsin, had a relay on May 15 in honor of Ahmaud Arbery, a black American who was recently shot dead by a White American family.

“Today our family hadAhmaud Arbery: Father and son arrested for murder of Georgia high ... the privilege to run in our neighborhood. No one was upset by that. No one called the cops on us. No one threatened us. No one thought twice about it. Our skin color is not a threat to this country. But that is not the case for all Americans,” said Tammie Ketelsen.

“As a family, we relayed 2.23 miles in honor of Ahmaud Arbery. As I rounded the corner to pass the baton to my daughter with tears in my eyes, I had a sobering moment,” she added.

According to her, the family ran for late Ahmaud to protest against racism and show solidarity with the bereaved family.

“Today we run with Ahmaud because he can’t run for himself, because his life was taken from him by racist men. I run for a mourning mama and a broken country. Things need to change! My family runs for change,” Mrs. Ketelsen said.

She further stated that the relay was meant to also educate her children that racism is evil, which every soul should dissociate self from.

“I’m not simply passing a physical baton but as a mom, I’m passing so much more. I’m passing to my kids my convictions, ideals, characteristics, and biases.

“My prayer at this moment is that my kids see that we don’t just stand by. We don’t watch from a distance and then keep scrolling. I pray that what I pass to my kids is kindness, love, and equality for all people no matter the color of their skin,” she proclaimed.

“As I watched my kids pass the baton to one another I see how easy kindness can spread if you choose to be a part of the solution. You can be a part of the solution,” she added.

Mrs. Ketelsen admitted that it was initially difficult for her to admit that racism was a major problem in the United States until she forced herself into self-education and open-minded re-orientation.

“As white Americans, we have privileges that not all Americans have. A year ago, I didn’t believe that statement. I didn’t believe in white privilege and I didn’t understand why #blacklivesmatter should be a thing. But after a year of heart work, hard conversations, and educating myself I realize I was wrong.

There is a major problem in our country and if you stay silent, you’re part of the problem. I used to be part of the problem, not because I was a racist but because I was ignorant and unaware,” she stated.

Therefore having seen the reactions and impact of her post on American people, she called on her fellow White Americans, in another post, to join her in her fight against racism.

“I’m learning that to be an anti-racist, I must engage, I must speak up and I must educate myself and hopefully others. Silence continues to oppress whether intended or not, that’s what it does.

“To all my white friends, if you have ever wondered about the topic of dismantling racism or privilege or unconscious biases, I’d love to talk with you…For my local friends, I’m looking to start a group with curriculum from Be The Bridge called Whiteness Intensive and I would love … you to join,” she concluded.

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