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Covid Cure: Texas-based Nigerian Cardiologist says Dr Stella’s video is politically motivated

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Dr Abraham Ariyo, a Cardiologist, who lives in Dallas, Texas, has disclosed that the viral video of one Dr Stella Immanuel, who claimed that Hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID, is politically motivated. 

Dr Ariyo affirmed that Stella, a pediatrician, is not a Nigerian but a Cameroonian. 

Ariyo stated that Stella is the owner of Fire Power Deliverance Ministry who attended University of Calabar in Nigeria and graduated in 1990.

"Stella did Residency in Pediatrics at Bronx-Lebanon in New York. 

"She was intern under Dr. Babatunde Dosu, one of our Pediatricians here in Dallas.

"She has Medical Licenses in Louisiana, Texas (November 2019) and Kentucky," Ariyo said. 

Dr Ariyo expressed concerns on how Stella crossed from Pediatrics to Adult Medicine /Emergency to treating a 96-year-old patient.

"Nonetheless, there is a ‘Gofundme’ page for legal troubles in her name, maybe to cash in.

The Cardiologist alluded that reliable sources had confirmed that Stella's claim in the viral video is politically motivated and sponsored by Steve Bannon’s BREITBART. 

Dr Stella

"Remember none of them were wearing masks. 

"Also, this campaign tends to look for ‘easy manipulated doctors’ like Trump’s 2016 strange physician," Ariyo said.

Ariyo noted further that if it the drug can cure Covid-19, the world will not still remain in this current situation. 

Ariyo stated that earlier in the pandemic, the drug was used at hospitals and a lot of my patients did receive it. 

He stressed that there was no benefit to the use of the drug for COVID patients. 

"On the contrary, there were more side effects, including effects on the heart rhythm.

"We eventually stopped using it at our hospital. 

"The doctor speaking probably takes care of ambulatory patients as a primary care physician," Ariyo said.

While speaking in the viral video, Dr Stella Immanuel, who claimed that she went to school in West Africa Nigeria, stated that she had taken care of people with malaria.

She stated that She had treated over 350 Covid-19 patients, using Hydroxychloroquine.

"In the last few months, I have used Hydroxychloroquine to treat patients with COVID-19, high-blood pressure, asthma and other serious ailments," Stella said. 

"We have only lost a patient out of the 350 patients with the drug," she added.

"Nobody needs to wear mask. There is a cure for the dreaded coronavirus. I see people who cannot breathe, and I promise them that they will live.

"In a recent study by NIH, it was stated that hiccup is a sign of Covid-19.

"If Hydroxychloroquine has been an effective drug for hiccup, then, it can cure Covid-19," she said.

Dr Ariyo, however, stated that the people Stellar had treated were probably those who were going to get better regardless of therapy. 

"The main focus of treatment that we use now are immune strengthening vitamins like vitamin d, zinc and we start patients on corticosteroids which is an anti-inflammatory that is long used and well known for it's mode of action. 

"The woman needs to go and sit down and stop disgracing the rest of us Nigerian doctors," he said.

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