Community Peace Dinners

1. Neighborliness Day!
While we may not know who will commit the next violent crimes, where and how they’ll be committed, and for what reason, we’re nonetheless certain violent crimes would be committed against innocent people by folks who needed our neighborly interventions.
Friday, the Neighborly Day, is therefore the best day during the week to check on our neighbors and perhaps impact their lives positively. “We must never, ever normalize crime, violence, abuse, injustice, bias, inequity, poverty, violent extremism or oppression, since they’re not inevitable.
In addition, the outcome of all our actions and interactions must be for a peaceful coexistence. We should not patronize violent movies and media or ignorantly call violent Hollywood figures heroes. They are not. Real heroes are our mothers whom we honor on Neighborly Days and all other days.”
Just minding our own business in this day and age is no longer an acceptable attitude. We are one human family that should be mindful of all elements from within in order to provide timely assistance to those in need, disrupt evil plans being hatched and prevent heinous crimes that could be carried out by the unhinged family members, especially on Neighborly Days.
Another word, every Neighborly Day gives us a unique opportunity to have intimate interactions with our neighbors in order to learn firsthand how to be helpful to them and when we know something that warrants immediate action, we intervene. It is our neighborly business to be in the know for preventive sake!
We can prudently invest in prevention and peaceful coexistence or foolishly spend in reacting to violence and hatred. The choices are clear and ours.
The cheapest, smartest and most effective way to build safe and successful neighborhoods are through Community Peace Dinners/Public Safety Dinners. Prevention not reaction is the key.
Those of you who have not been participants to our weekly countywide community peace dinners should start now. Because we live in close proximity with each other and seldom do we have meaningful social or neighborly interactions. We often times come together only when tragedy strikes even though we live in the same neighborhood, send our children to the same schools and go to the same medical centers, etc.
As a result of this individualistic restrain, we easily formed opinions about each other (mostly negatively) without having invested necessary time and neighborly effort to know each other. Due to this ignorance we easily generalized folks as the Africans, Arabs, Chinese, Indians, Europeans, Christens, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, whites, blacks, etc…
However, through these community peace dinners, we become true neighbors. We talk to each other as neighbors. We discuss our common interests and mutual desires. We break bread together. We learn about each other intimately. We develop mutual love and respect based on sound understanding of each other’s backgrounds, cultures, traditions, values, spirituality, priorities, etc…
These Community Peace Dinners therefore disrupt individual loneliness, depression, and vulnerability. Through these neighborly dinners, we become parts of each other and support mechanism to one another. We become informed neighbors and protectors of our neighborhoods. With this developed neighborliness, we embrace diversity and collective commitment to the quality of life for all.
This brings public safety, public harmony and collective public wellness. The dinners save precious lives and finite public resources. When residents are partners to positive change in their communities, the need for law enforcement lessens tremendously. According to FBI and NYPD crime data, most crimes are committed by folks under thirty years of age who are mostly killing each other to protect territories where illegal activities take place. By getting the neighborhood youth involve in positive and productive vocations, it dismantles the vicious cycle of chronic violent crimes and extreme poverty. “It’s easier to build strong children than to fix broken men,” said Fredrick. Douglas.
Crime, violence, hate and poverty aren’t inevitable. Born in the Bronx, succeed in the Bronx. Live in the Bronx, safe in the Bronx. Visit the Bronx, love the Bronx.
Community Peace Dinners take place every Friday, 6-8 pm, throughout the Bronx. For further information or interested in hosting/sponsoring/attending these dinners, you can call 718-822-5555 or email Thank you!
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