Community Peace Dinner
Dear Bronxites,
Happy New Year and thank you all for participating in our neighborhood violent crime prevention squads that have been enabling our ‘best in business’ law enforcement communities to maintain the envious status of ‘safest big city’ in the nation.
Preventing and fighting crimes requires our collective collaborations. Our weekly countywide dinners play a complementing role in these grassroots prevention and New Yorkers of all stripes have been benefactors.
Let us therefore maintain this trending downward spiral of crime and violence in the Big Apple. Thank you! #cpsnd #nycpbc #alshaibicenter #ilovethebronx
You are cordially invited!
Our first Community Public Safety Networking Dinner in 2019 shall take place at Al Shaibi Community Center located on: 2366 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462, 6:00-8:00 PM, right in front of Zerega Avenue, number 6 train stop.
P.S. Al Saibi Community Center holds its monthly dinners on the first Friday.