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Dear Family and Friends,

It is with great honor and extreme pride that we introduce to you Mr. and Mrs. Susso. Mr. Alhassan Susso, deservedly, was elected the ‘Teacher of the Year 2019’ out of over 200, 000 teachers who serve our almost 3,000, 000 students in New York State.

As one of the emerging African immigrant pioneers in the United States, Mr. Susso was unanimously elected by the African Union Day Foundation and United African Coalition to be the next recipient of the prestigious ‘Daylight Africa Award’. The award ceremony takes place during United African Coalition membership party on Thursday, December 13, 2018, 6:30-8:30 PM at 3368 3rd Avenue, Bronx, NY., between 165 & 166 Streets. 

To RSVP for this award ceremony, please contact us at: info@africanunionday.org or call 718-822-5555. Thank you! #unac #audf #daylightafrica #teacheroftheyear #stemdup #alhassansusso #uft #au #thegambia #nyc #ilovethebronx #nycschools

$25 donation for United African Coalition is suggested.

United African Coalition
African Union Day Foundation
718-822-5555Alhassan & Bintou Susso

About Author

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