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<p>In the midst of global political chaos, heighten religious extremism, widening socioeconomic gaps, increasing hateful violence, persistent domestic abuses, and growing youth participations to gang activities and violent lifestyles, comes the interrupter, the Peace Month.&nbsp;</p>

<p>According to Global Peace Index, we spent over $14 trillion in global conflicts. The United States Defense Budget alone is over $700 billion, yet there are vigorous, endless debates about cutting health care and retirement benefits, while reducing expenditures in vital services such as education, public safety, quality of life, etc&hellip;</p>

<p>Since the inception of Peace December concept nine years ago, twenty two nations and growing have adopted December as the Peace Month and November 30th as International Peace Lighting Day. We know that hate and violence aren&rsquo;t inevitable!</p>

<p>Observing one month of peace in the year is not enough but all journeys start with a first step.&nbsp;</p>

<p>For this reason, we cordially invite you to join the annual lighting of 193 peace candles representing each member of the United Nations, followed by our collective commitment to observe December as the Peace Month. Thank you.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>ASSIGNMENT:</strong> Attendees, please bring flameless candle (s) and flag of your countries of origin with you, and if you have cultural/traditional attire, please wear them for the beauty of diversity.</p>

<p><strong>Peace December&nbsp;Motto:</strong> Love is natural. Hate is learned. Peaceful Coexistence must be universal.&nbsp;</p>

<p><strong>Our Hashtags:</strong> #ipld #novermber30th #peacedecember #peacefulcoexistence #thepeacemonth #worldpeace #peacehereforward #bronxpeacemuseum #peaceittogether #neveragain&nbsp;<img alt=”” src=”https://parkchestertimes.com/uploads/images/image_750x_5bfd5930dac57.jpg” style=”height:1125px; width:750px” /><br />

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