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Biden, Harris condemn Trump’s rhetoric, defend Haitian immigrants

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President Joe Biden has taken a strong stand against former President Donald Trump, particularly targeting his remarks on immigration and race.

Biden highlighted Trump’s inflammatory language, stating, “He says immigrants, black and brown immigrants, poison the blood of our country. Right now, his running mate is attacking Haitian Americans in Ohio. It’s wrong. It’s got to stop.”

Biden’s remarks come amid increasing tensions and divisive rhetoric that have marked the political landscape. He drew a sharp contrast between Trump’s reactions to different groups of protesters, saying, “My predecessor calls the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on January 6 patriots. But when peaceful protesters marched for justice for George Floyd, Trump wanted to send in the military.”

This pointed critique underscores Biden’s commitment to addressing racial injustices and condemning any form of discrimination.

Joining President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris emphasized forward-looking vision of their administration in contrast to Trump’s past policies.

She said, “Donald Trump and his extremist allies intend to take our nation backward… But we are not going back.”

Harris reinforced the commitment to progress, stating, “I truly believe that America is ready to turn the page on the politics of division and hate.”

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