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1,200 rally in Bronx with AOC, Sanders, Bowman, Velázquez ahead of primary elections

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In a vibrant display of political unity and grassroots activism, 1,200 enthusiastic voters, supporters, and volunteers gathered in The Bronx for a high-energy “Get Out The Vote” (GOTV) rally.

The event, held ahead of New York’s June 25th Democratic primary elections, featured powerhouse speakers Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Rep. Jamaal Bowman (NY-16), and Rep. Nydia Velázquez (NY-7).

Hosted by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress, the rally sought to drive voter turnout in support of Rep. Jamaal Bowman and Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

This primary cycle has seen unprecedented financial efforts from AIPAC’s super PAC, which is spending over $14 million to unseat Rep. Bowman, making it the most expensive House primary in history.

The rally was also graced by the presence of local labor leaders from Teamsters Local 202, SEIU 1199, APWU, UAW 9A, NYSNA, and featured a rousing performance by the Spanish Harlem Orchestra. The event underscored the vital role of organized labor and community solidarity in the upcoming elections.

Rep. Ocasio-Cortez passionately addressed the crowd, emphasizing the unique resilience and spirit of The Bronx: “The Bronx is built different. We are built different. There is a reason why eight years ago, when the first major Jewish candidate for president, a democratic socialist, came to New York—he came to this park. I was in that crowd on that day. There is a reason why two years later after that rally, the youngest woman in American history was elected to Congress. There is a reason why she was a Puerto Rican waitress from The Bronx. There is a reason why this borough sent me to Congress. There is a reason why this borough sent Jamaal Bowman to Congress.”

Senator Bernie Sanders echoed this sentiment, highlighting the broader stakes of the election: “This election is about whether or not the billionaire class and the oligarchs will control the United States government, and our view is no, they won’t. What this campaign is about is telling the billionaires, and their greed, and their super PACs—they are not going to destroy American democracy. On that issue, every person who votes for the Democratic Party has got to be united. We stand together.”

Rep. Bowman addressed the unprecedented financial opposition from AIPAC: “AIPAC is scared to death. That is why they are spending record amounts of money in this race—because they are afraid. They have already lost because the district, the American people, and the world are with us. They are in this race because we call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, and we’re going to keep calling for a permanent ceasefire.”

Rep. Velázquez underscored the importance of Bowman’s re-election for various social justice causes: “We need leaders like Jamaal Bowman in Congress advocating for us and standing for environmental justice. The same can be said about reforming our public school system in this country, and addressing systemic inequities in education, in healthcare, in our society. Jamaal Bowman is not willing to compromise his values regardless of the consequences.”

As the primary elections approach, this rally showcased the dedication and unity of progressive leaders and their supporters in The Bronx, setting the stage for a pivotal election day.

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