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Raskin, Ocasio-Cortez challenge Chief Justice Roberts on Supreme Court corruption

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In a dramatic move that underscores growing concerns over judicial ethics, Democratic Representatives Jamie Raskin and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez have jointly issued a stern demand for accountability from Chief Justice John Roberts, focusing on what they describe as “blatant corruption” within the Supreme Court.

“Since you have refused to meet with Congress, we question what steps you are actually taking as either the Chief Justice or the presiding officer of the Judicial Conference to investigate these glaring episodes of political bias and lack of disclosure,” Raskin and Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a letter sent to Roberts, dated June 21, 2024.

The letter highlights the concerning behavior of Justice Samuel Alito and his wife, who reportedly displayed insurrectionist flags at their home shortly after the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Additionally, Justice Clarence Thomas is implicated in a series of ethical violations, including accepting luxury trips from a prominent Republican donor and failing to disclose these gifts. His wife, Ginni Thomas, has also been under scrutiny for her involvement in efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results.

Raskin and Ocasio-Cortez’s letter demands clarity on the Court’s recusal policies, emphasizing that both Alito and Thomas should not be adjudicating cases related to former President Donald Trump due to their evident conflicts of interest.

“Investigative journalists and Senate investigators — not the Judicial Conference — have been the ones to break the silence and reveal Justices Thomas’s failure to comply with basic disclosure requirements,” the letter pointedly notes.

The representatives have requested a detailed response from Chief Justice Roberts by July 5th, setting a tight deadline that indicates the urgency and gravity of their concerns. This latest action by Raskin and Ocasio-Cortez is a clear message that the fight for judicial integrity is far from over, and they intend to keep the pressure on until substantial reforms are enacted.

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