Two powerful democratic clubs, community leaders, clergymen back Fernando Cabrera with endorsement, voters drive for Bronx Boro President race

On Saturday, May 8, 2021, African Democratic Clubs and People First Democratic Club joined Bronx religious leaders from all faiths, denominations, ethnicity and walks of life to deliver their collective endorsement to the Bronx borough president candidacy of Dr. Fernando Cabrera.
The voters drive and the collective endorsement for Council Member Cabrera and Eric Adams took place at the Steps of Bronx County Building located at 851 Grand Concourse in the Bronx.
“Dr. Cabrera isn’t new to African and African American communities in the Bronx. We also have been keenly following his relentless public services in the Bronx for ages, and, of course, we strongly believe in his political agenda for the Bronx. He’s a Bronx born and Bronx success story.
"The management of Muslim Media Corporation is therefore proud to endorse and help his candidacy to victory,” said Sheikh Musa Drammeh, Chairman of Muslim Media Corporation, the publisher of Parkchester Times, Muslim Community Report, and New York Parrot.
While adding his Club’s endorsement, the Chairman of African Democratic Club, Gbenga Subair, also noted Cabrera’s manifesto is perfectly in line with ADC’s vision for peace, progressive and harmonious socio-political and economic conditions of Africans in the Bronx and New York City in general.
“As a resident of the Bronx and having considered his City council constituent service accomplishments and his public safety agenda as a candidate for Bronx Borough President, Dr. Cabrera is the most suitable candidate to lead the Bronx post-pandemic era.
“ADC has no doubt that Councilman Fernando Cabrera is the right person for the stool of the Bronx Borough President. He is a visionary leader with spirit of fairness, equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background. The Bronx needs him more than before to steer the affairs of the county and bring us recovery and socio-economic prosperity,” Subair said.
“African Democratic Club hereby endorses him with a promise that we won’t relent until he becomes the Bronx Borough President,” Subair added.
“There comes a time when we cannot remain indifferent. This is the time that we must engage and take a stand. Consequently, today we have come together to endorse Councilman Fernando Cabrera candidacy for the next Bronx Borough President. Dr. Cabrara is very sensitive to the needs of our community and we believe he can make a difference when it comes to fighting for more jobs for everyone including our youth,” said Mory Kouyaté, a long-time community leader and activist. “We believe that he will fight to increase affordable housing, for access to better education for our children and better health care.”
“He (Cabrera) is tailor-made for these hard times when we are facing a pandemic that has led to economic crisis. Dr. Cabrera will be ready on his first day in office to take on the challenges that the Bronx is facing. We ask you to join us June 22nd , 2021 to vote Fernando Cabrera as the new Bronx Borough President,” Kouyate added
“We’ve made great strides in the last two decades in the Bronx, but we still have a long way to go as our borough continues to deal with various socioeconomic and health issues. Dr. Cabrera’s leadership is what we need at this critical juncture to further the progress made in the last two decades,” Drammeh reiterated.
Bishop Rosarion, Al Joey Quattlebaum, Clergyman Denis Oswald Denis, Peace Advocate Marion Frampton of The Black Spade, Community Organizer Eunice Ukwani and many other African and African community leaders were in attendance to add their endorsement to the candidacy of Fernando Cabrera for Bronx Borough President.