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NYC Planning Commission chairperson Marisa Lago announces reopening of city’s Uniform Land Use Review Procedure in September

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New York City Planning Commission chairperson Marisa Lago has announced that the city's Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP) is set to resume on Monday, September 14.

“As New York works to recover and rebuild from this pandemic, it is more crucial than ever that, together, we get back to the business of creating new affordable housing and good jobs. I think that I speak for the entire Commission in saying that we are excited to return to the important work of helping craft a more equitable, healthier, sustainable and livable city, one that bounces back stronger than ever,” Lago said in a statement.

The ULURP process was suspended by Mayoral Emergency Executive Order on March 16 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Today, the CPC began work on land use applications that are not subject to ULURP, on ULURP applications that were already in public review prior to March 16 and on applications that will enter ULURP review in the future.

"The portion of the Mayor’s Emergency Executive Order that suspended ULURP will end on September 14, at which point the CPC will again begin advancing new ULURP applications. Not until then will ULURP applications adhere to ULURP time frames for public review. This staggered restart of the public review process will help ensure that the City's 59 community boards, which must adhere to ULURP's timeline but often do not meet during summer months, are ready to host remote public meetings as soon as the ULURP clock restarts," Lago said.
Lago said public draft agendas for upcoming CPC meetings would be posted on the Department of City Planning (DCP) website in the days before the meetings take place.

She said due to the pandemic, CPC meetings would be held remotely for the foreseeable future.
"To provide the public with information about upcoming meetings and how anyone can participate online or by phone, the City recently launched a new web portal, NYC Engage. Events will be added to NYC Engage in the coming months from the CPC and other agencies. Additional information on NYC Engage is available at the above link and in this earlier press release," Lago concluded.

The Department of City Planning (DCP) plans for the strategic growth and development of the City through ground-up planning with communities, the development of land use policies and zoning regulations applicable citywide, and its contribution to the preparation of the City’s 10-year Capital Strategy. DCP promotes housing production and affordability, fosters economic development and coordinated investments in infrastructure and services, and supports resilient, sustainable communities across the five boroughs for a more equitable New York City.

In addition, DCP supports the City Planning Commission in its annual review of approximately 450 land use applications for a variety of discretionary approvals. The Department also assists both government agencies and the public by advising on strategic and capital planning and providing policy analysis, technical assistance and data relating to housing, transportation, community facilities, demography, zoning, urban design, waterfront areas and public open space.

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