African-Americans launch BABA to bridge lacuna between Africans, Black Americans

African-Americans have launched Bridging Africans and Black Americans Inc to bridge the lacuna between Africans and Black Americans.
Baba Inc, which was launched on Juneteenth 2020, is a non-profit that creates free programs, events and activities that allow for the African, Caribbean, and African-American micro communities to learn, work, and play together.
According to the Founder, Abdoulaye Cisse, these events, programs, and activities include educational programs, cultural programs, civic engagement programs and economic opportunity programs.
Cisse noted that since the inception, a virtual Jollof rice cooking class had been hosted as one of the cultural programs.
He added that another program orchestrated was a story with local news media NY1 on covid-19 lockdowns about Americans who are stranded in Ghana.
"Coming sometime next week is a virtual event where we will pay tribute to the legacy of civil rights legend John Lewis.
"And on August 1, we plan to host a free Swahili learning class,"
Cisse said.
While speaking about BABA Inc, Cisse stated that the positive feedback and public support has been overwhelming.
"So many people have expressed the need for BABA Inc's mission," he said.
"Many supporters have asked to volunteer in hosting their own bridging event with BABA Inc.
"BABA Inc currently has a board with seven members," added.
Abdoulaye Cisse, who is the Founder and President, said the passion to build up his community one project at a time is what compelled his start to educate US based immigrant adults.
In just two years Abdoulaye has independently enlightened and educated the immigrant community on the info, tools and resources that matters most.
Other board members include Kassianah Aya, Co-chair; Batouly Camara, Co-chair
Tedx speaker; Bintou Kone, Executive Secretary; Tidankay Cherif; Kadija Camara, Director of Marketing; Timothy Hunter, Bridge Director of Civic Engagement.