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Giash Uddin Celebration of 38 Years in the USA

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By Robert Press

Mr. Giash Uddin is known as the Mayor of Starling Avenue in the Bronx Bangladeshi community of  Parkchester. He immigrated to the United States thirty-eight years ago. Sunday night Giash Uddin celebrated those thirty-eight years with family, friends, and a special elected official who said he came to Mr. Uddin in 2001 first for support in a city council race. Current City Councilman and candidate for Congress Ruben Diaz Sr. spoke of his friendship with the man he said is known as the Mayor of Starling Avenue. 

Along with Councilman Diaz Sr. were 32nd State Senate District candidate (and current Parkchester District Leader) John Perez, and Community Board 9 Vice-Chair Mohammed Majumder. In his praise of the fine work of Giash Uddin Councilman Diaz Sr. said that he had brought a man who replaced him in the state senate, but that he was no longer supporting that person, and wanted Mr. Uddin to meet the candidate Mr. John Perez who Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. is backing in the upcoming State Senate election in June.  

Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. presented Mr. Uddin with a citation from the City Council, and Parkchester District Leader John Perez put a District Leadership pin on Mr. Uddin. Officers of the 45th Precinct and many others came up to bestow honors and plaques to Mr. Uddin. Mr. Uddin is the owner of A & A Variety Double Discount a 4,000 square foot store which is loaded with various items of use to the community, which is located at 2095 Starling Avenue in the Parkchester area of the Bronx.

Mr. Uddin receives his citation from Councilman Diaz Sr.Councilman Ruben Diaz Sr. tells the audience that Parkchester District Leader John Perez will be his choice to be the next 32nd State Senator.L- R, 32nd State senate Candidate John Perez, Councilman and Congressional canddate Ruben Diaz Sr., Mr. Gaish Uddin, and Community Board 9 Vice-Chair  Mohammed Majumder.


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