The Restoration and Return of United Coalition Association

Ron Savage returns back to the organization that he once started in 2005 as founder and executive director of United Coalition Association.
In 2005 United Coalition Association a 501 c 3 organization was birth out of a newsletter that Ron Savage started called Buzz Entertainment, this newsletter dealt with community concerns and issues in the Soundview/ Castle Hill section of the Bronx.
Ron built this organization with hard work and dedication which paid off and his organization became one of the role model organizations for the city council back in the mid-2000s.
Ron was also honored by the Parkchester branch of the NAACP for his dedication and hard work with his organization United Coalition Association.
Some of his accomplishments were getting a safe entrance into the noble playground which the only entrance was on the Highway of the Bronx River Expressway. Ron is credited for getting a safer entrance into the park, getting trash cans in neighborhoods that desperately needed them, getting mobile post offices in neighborhoods for senior citizens so they did not have to walk a long distance to the post office in their neighborhood, getting his DVD the plan into every library in New York City which was a tool to prepare students for the college process, starting the New York State College Fair Day, doing health awareness tours in the bronx and a whole lot more.
Ron suffered major depression in 2016 and was fighting to overcome it and in 2019 he was one of the survivors who fought to get the child victims act passed in the state of New York.
Ron has teamed up with his old allies and close friends who have always been there for the once strong community leader who is a former State Committee Member.
Ron says a recent incident woke up the sleeping giant and taught him a valuable lesson about people and it reminded him exactly who he was and his loyalty belongs to helping people in the community that need help, Ron says he never turned his back on anyone who made a mistake and stands with the people and he's for the people, Ron Savage is here for everyone. If you would like to be a part of the United Coalition Association you may go to their website at