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Michael Blake is Running for New York’s 15th Congressional District

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Today, Bronx Assembly Member Michael A. Blake filed the required paperwork with the Federal Elections Commission announcing his intention to ​run for New York’s 15th Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. With exactly fourteen months until the primary election, Michael is uniquely qualified for this new role as a local organizer, former White House aide to President Obama, effective three-term Assembly Member and coalition builder.

“When we come together and Believe in The Bronx, anything is possible – for our families, for our communities and for our collective future. With a member of Congress in Washington fighting for better-paying jobs, fighting for affordable housing, fighting for better health care coverage and education for children, fighting to protect the dignity of immigrants and our South Bronx families, and fighting for the funding and resources that our neighborhoods need, we will accomplish extraordinary things together. I want to be that fighter for you, which is why I have decided to run for the 15th Congressional District in The Bronx.” 

“My team and I continue to keep Congressman Serrano and his family in our prayers as he battles Parkinson’s and stands up for us in Washington, and, I pledge to build on his legacy while seeking to take the South Bronx to new heights.

“I have had the honor to serve this country in The White House in President Obama's administration as the Director of African-American, Minority and Women Business and county and statewide elected official outreach. Yet, my greatest honor was returning home to The Bronx to bring positive changes as an Assembly Member, from the My Brother's Keeper program and Raise The Age to Diversity In Medicine scholarships and funding for NYCHA improvements. I am asking the people of the 15th Congressional District to give me the opportunity to be our next voice in Washington, D.C. where I will use my federal and local experience along with my vision focused on equity to represent our district.”

“I am committed to bringing all people within our district together, regardless of our different nations of origin, immigration status, languages, races, ethnicity, gender and sexual orientation to enact policies that serve all of the people. It is time for us to prove once more that public service is here for the people and to make clear that we have and always will Believe in The Bronx.  Join us on this journey at blakeforcongress.nyc."

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