Progressive Competitions Ahead in the Empire State

By Sheikh Musa Drammeh
Bronx, New York—This year, thanks to Donald J. Trump the overwhelming majority of New Yorkers have been celebrating the recent democratic takeover of New York State legislative houses and the elimination of Independent Democratic Conference, better known as IDC. IDC was so frowned upon and decimated by progressive activists. New York being one of the most liberal and leftist states in the nation, these political achievements without a doubt have emboldened its progressive activists to push even further their agendas.
Yet, after the recent passage of “Reproductive Health Act” which allows among others unrestricted abortions up to birth, some New Yorkers especially religious conservatives are beginning to wonder what had just happened.
Among the most visible and vocal opponents to our state’s progressive liberal agenda is Bronx Councilmember, Reverend Ruben Diaz of District 18. The Rev. is known for sounding alarms pertaining to such legislations being debated by legislators. Although he is a democrat in a very liberal district, Reverend Diaz often times found himself on the same side with his republican counterparts protesting leftist social issues.
Now that the democrats are in charge of New York state politics, we expect competitions as to who are the most progressive among them on issues.
This democratic takeover has indeed renders religious conservatives and centrist New Yorkers helpless and defensive in the meantime. But it is bound to also energize these currently marginalized voters to go back to the drawing board for their next political offensive.
Interesting moments ahead in the Empire State as progressives and conservatives duck it out in and outdoors in the next election cycle.