The Real Nigerian Enemies: An Exploration of the Nation’s Cabalistic Game

For sometimes now, I have carefully watched how President Buhari battled with Good luck Jonathan, the Former President of Nigeria, and vice versa. Their referees that ignited the fire and continually fuel it are the same set of chamelions, who have been appearing in different colors and shapes.
I have also watched how these two real nationalists' supporters ignorantly fight themselves verbally and say all manner of things against themselves. Unfortunately, what those outside the pitch do not know is that President Buhari has very strong respect for Good luck Jonathan.
If not for anything, for the fact that Jonathan handed over power to him peacefully, and also that among other politicians, Good luck speaks with wisdom and maturity is enough to earn that respect. Yes, Buhari is a statesman, not a biased politician like some of his so-called supporters who have traded their brains on the alter of sentiments.
Not only so, Jonathan respects the office of the presidency. I have listened to Goodluck speak on political matters several times, and each time questions are put to him about what he thinks about Buhari and his government, you end up hearing him say things that are not demeaning at least.
For now though, the ball is with a different shape. It's not surprising — we all know that election is at the corner, and Jonathan must as a matter of necessity support his party.
Like I said, elections are by the corner. Jonathan seems to be silent, but with a loud voice. Some Nigerians say that they are tired of Buhari, the same way they were tired of Jonathan. It's just the same scenario playing itself again. But among these Nigerians are the politicians as well.
But then, what Buhari does not know is that he should have made Jonathan his best friend or one of his best friends. The same goes for Jonathan.
You see, Buhari may be a stubborn Former or Retired Military General, but I am certain that he is trying his best as a leader. Yes, he may have his flaws.
Goodluck also did his best as well, but what these folks do not know is that the same Cabal that fought Jonathan is the same Cabal that is trying to fight Buhari out of office.
The question is: why were they not comfortable with Jonathan and why are they not comfortable with Buhari now? It is simply because unlike what people think about the two of them, they meant well for Nigeria while the Cabal do not. So each time they bring their ideas, these leaders refuse them.
Ask yourself: why is it that the same group of people that fought against Jonathan are the ones fighting against Buhari? Why were they not happy with Jonathan before? These people are selfish minded. You think they love this Nation? Why has the Nation not changed since the advent of their Ancient Love and Romance?
To me, the only weakness of Jonathan is that he was not too wild in fighting against the corrupt folks, unlike Buhari, who is, though, slowly but fearlessly squizing the cabal's testacles. But for all I know, the real enemies of Nigeria are the same people who engineered and are still engineering the exit of these two real nationalists, Goodluck Jonathan and Muhamadou Buhari respectively. We call these foes THE CABALs.
By Ebi Robert