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Merck Foundation Marks International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

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<p>NAIROBI, Kenya, November 26, 2018/ — Merck Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Merck Germany, marks today the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and also marks the start of the &ldquo;16 Days of Activism&quot; that precedes Human Rights Day on December 10 each year.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Through their &ldquo;Merck more than a Mother&rdquo; campaign, Merck Foundation wishes to empower infertile women against all sorts of discrimination, abuse and psychological &amp; physical violence due to their inability to bear children.&nbsp;</p>

<p>&ldquo;Together with our partners and our ambassadors, we can create a culture shift to sensitize all communities to respect women whether they are mothers or not. Women are more than Mothers, this is what we stand for. No for violence against women and #NoForInfertilityStigma. Merck Foundation marks the International Day for Elimination of Domestic Violence against Women today and every day as part of our daily activities to empower infertile women through access to information, health, change of mindset and economic empowerment so that they can be independent and stronger&rdquo; emphasizes Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation and President of Merck more than a Mother.&nbsp;<img alt=”Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation with Jackline, the victim of infertility stigma and her baby, during her visit to her house” src=”https://parkchestertimes.com/uploads/images/image_750x_5bfc4e01c9dfe.jpg” style=”height:1122px; width:750px” />Dr. Rasha Kelej, CEO of Merck Foundation with Jackline, the victim of infertility stigma and her baby, during her visit to her house</p>

<p>Watch the story of Merck Foundation CEO visit to Jackline Mwende, the victim of infertility Stigma. She was abused and accused of being unable to bear a child. Although she was not the one with the infertility problem &ndash; it was her husband. Yet he refused to get treated and abused her. He chopped off both her hands trying to kill her. Merck Foundation empowered and helped her to start her new life, new home and a new supermarket to lead a good life. She became the &ldquo;Merck more than a Mother&rdquo; heroine.&nbsp;</p>

<p>Distributed by APO Group on behalf of Merck Foundation.</p>

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