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Exclusive: “Wasn’t Israel created for the safety of Jews?” Viral footage of Israeli police brutality sparks global outrage

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A viral video shared by Al-Jazeera on Instagram has sparked global outrage and widespread debate.

The footage depicts Israeli police brutally handling Jews who were attempting to resist forced enlistment into the army.


The incident has ignited a storm of reactions across social media, questioning the very foundations of the state of Israel, which was ostensibly created for the safety and security of Jews.

The video, which has amassed millions of views, shows Israeli police using excessive force against Jewish citizens.

The incident has raised serious questions about the treatment of Jews by their own government, and has led to an outpouring of comments and reactions from people around the world.

One user, ess_ce, poignantly questioned, “But wasn’t ‘Israel’ created for the safety of Jews?” Also, a.wriggs, commented, “Zionism was never about Judaism. It has always been about colonisation, control, and expansion.”

Many users highlighted the irony in the situation.

morrisey666 noted, “They won’t call this antisemitism,” while hootkishira added, “If they can do this to their own, imagine what they are doing to the Palestinians.”

The sentiment was further emphasized by ollmmndz, who stated, “In case someone still thinks Zionism and Judaism are the same.”

The notion of Israel as a democracy was also called into question.

adhd_memetherapy sarcastically remarked, “The only ‘Democracy’ in the Middle East,” and selinarose12 added, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is what they call democracy in Israel.”

Comparisons were drawn to other international incidents of police brutality. anastikho questioned, “It’s crazy because when we see police across the country similarly dispersing protesters in Russia, everyone rightly calls it out and talks about dictatorship. So what is this? Why doesn’t the international community and US officials call it out in this case?”

A heartfelt plea came from mohammed.moieen, a resident of Gaza, who wrote, “I am Mohammed from Gaza, 10 months of oppression, please do not be silent, Gaza needs you all. Thank you for standing with us, but it is as if the war has started again. Displacement and migration, and the hardest thing is that they do not know where to go. Please do not leave us alone, your support and prayers for us, please do not forget.”

In a world where those calling for a free Palestine are labeled antisemitic, catyunapologetically pointed out, “The anti-semitism is calling from inside the house.”

The viral video has not only highlighted the internal conflicts within Israel but has also brought to the forefront the broader issues of human rights and the treatment of marginalized groups.

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