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Blackwell joins local organizations in demanding that ICE release Bronx man Javier

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New York City Council District 15 aspiring candidate, Troy Blackwell has joined calls demanding that the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) release and return Javier Castillo Maradiaga back to his family in the Bronx.

Maradiaga 27, was arrested by the NYPD in 2019 for what his lawyer said was a pedestrian violation that was later dismissed. ICE officials took Maradiaga into custody following his arrest and were scheduled to have him deported to Honduras Monday despite President Joe Biden signing an order on Wednesday placing a 100-day moratorium on most immigration deportations.

In a statement Monday, Blackwell who joined Maradiaga's family at a press conference, demanded together with Unlocal, Make The Road NY, NYLAG, and NAKASEC that ICE release him. 

Blackwell stated that he has experience helping residents complete the N-400 form for naturalization through volunteer work with CUNY Citizenship Now. 

"We can breathe a little better knowing that Javier’s flight to be deported to Honduras has been canceled. Javier’s flight cancellation is the result of community effort and the collective power of immigrant rights groups and amazing allies. It is egregious and inhumane that ICE would target a DACA-eligible Bronx resident when we all know of the brutal, inhumane conditions in private prisons and detention centers," said Troy Blackwell, New York City Council District 15 Candidate. "ICE is ignoring the moratorium ordered by President Biden and as result, our justice system is failing immigrants by criminalizing those seeking a better life. Families seeking refuge in the United States deserve protection, not imprisonment. As the child of an immigrant, the issue of ICE is deeply personal for my family and I will continue to fight to ensure that Javier is brought back to the Bronx."

Blackwell supports expanding free high-quality legal services for immigrants in City Council District 15.


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