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The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Governor Andrew Cuomo

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By Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz,18 District, Bronx County


You Should Know that no elected official has publicly criticized and gone against Governor Andrew Cuomo more than I have. 

The deaths of more than 13,000 elderly persons in nursing homes in New York State is travesty. The posture taken by Governor Andrew Cuomo is an ugly representation of the his leadership tarnishing his past accomplishments.

My gripes and disagreements with the governor are due to my positions as a Conservative Democrat and Pentecostal minister.  My religious conservative beliefs compel me to go against the governors stand on certain issues, that in my purview, are morally wrong and damaging.

I would like to make it clear that my position against Governor Andrew Cuomo have been solely based on my deeply rooted Christian Conservative values.  Other than that, if I were a liberal socialist Democrat, I would confidently say that no one has done more to move forward the progressive socialist agenda than Gov. Cuomo. However, I acknowledge that despite his leftists views he has done some humanitarian and good will for those in need. For example:

1. For Puerto Rico: During the devastation caused by Hurricane Maria. The governor went above and beyond the call of duty to help my beautiful island.

2. For the Gay and Lesbian Community:  Have Gov. Cuomo to thank, when he fought and twisted many arms to ensure that Same Sex Marriage became legal in New York State. My opposition to Gay Marriage was the main cause of my contention with the governor. 

3. For the Bronx County: Governor Cuomo assisted the Bronx when he intervened and allocated monies to The Hunts Point Market, the Bruckner Sheridan Expressway, Orchard Beach, the building of four Metro North Train Stations, (which he jested that he would name one of them Ruben Diaz station), the allocation of much needed funds for Bronx affordable housing, and a piece of land to create The Junior camp for Bronx  youths, after the senseless killing of Junior Guzman.

4. For Union Workers:  Gov. Cuomo was influential when he got involved in rebuilding and repair of the state’s infrastructure.  The construction and repair of new and old bridges, repaving highways, and roads opening doors for the unions to create new jobs for their members. Governor Cuomo also fought for increase in the minimum wage, helping low wage earners.

6. For students and immigrants: The governor’s administration was also instrumental in passing the Greenlight Bill, which gave college age students and immigrants access to free college tuition. 

Even though Gov. Cuomo has always been a Governor only for the left and the socialists and has ignored conservative and people of faith like me to the point of expressing ugly comments such as “there is no room in New York State for people like that” and going to the extreme of saying “God didn’t do that, we did it” when referring to the state’s decrease in COVID- 19 deaths.   

Nonetheless, I will always continue to keep him in my prayers, and will always recognize the good, the bad, and the ugly, in Gov. Cuomo.

This is Councilman Rev. Ruben Diaz and this is what you should know.

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