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NYC:Mayor Eric, Adolfo Carrión usher in new budget

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In a jubilant celebration marking the dawn of the new fiscal year, Commissioner Adolfo Carrión and Mayor Eric Adams unveiled a groundbreaking budget designed to transform New York City’s landscape. The announcement took place at the newly inaugurated library in Washington Heights Inwood, a symbol of the city’s commitment to affordable housing and community development.

The new library, which boasts 174 units of affordable housing above its state-of-the-art facilities, is a testament to the Mayor’s vision for an inclusive and prosperous New York. The fiscal year 2024 budget, announced last Friday, is a people-centric plan that allocates an unprecedented $2 billion to affordable housing over the next two years, part of a larger $26 billion ten-year commitment.

Mayor Eric Adams praised the collaborative effort with Speaker Adams, highlighting the administration’s ability to navigate the city’s financial challenges, including a $7 billion budget deficit and the costs associated with the influx of 200,000 migrants and asylum seekers. Despite these hurdles, the city managed to secure significant savings and reinvest in critical services without any layoffs or tax increases.

Key budget highlights include a $58 million reinvestment in library services, $53 million for cultural institutions, and the continuation of vital programs like pre-K, 3K, and Summer Rising. The Mayor emphasized the importance of these investments in maintaining New York City’s status as a hub of opportunity and innovation, particularly for working-class families.

Commissioner Carrión and other city leaders, including Assemblywoman Rajkumar, Councilmember Carlina Rivera, and Senator Robert Jackson, joined the Mayor in celebrating the budget’s passage and the positive impact it will have on the city’s future. The new library in Washington Heights Inwood, equipped with a teen center and community spaces, exemplifies the city’s innovative approach to utilizing public spaces for multiple community benefits.

Anthony Marx, President and CEO of the New York Public Library, expressed gratitude for the city’s unwavering support of libraries, which serve as essential community hubs offering educational programs, technological resources, and safe spaces for New Yorkers of all ages.

Councilmember Carlina Rivera, a staunch advocate for cultural institutions and libraries, highlighted the diversity and inclusivity of the new library, which will offer seven-day service and act as a cooling center during the hot summer months.

The new fiscal year budget not only secures the future of library services but also sets a precedent for integrating affordable housing with community amenities, ensuring that New York City remains a beacon of hope and innovation.

As Mayor Adams aptly put it, “New York is back,” and this budget is a crucial step in building a more livable, equitable, and vibrant city for all its residents.

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